You may have heard the term “starving artist” before—but what you may not know is how much of a reality it is for many of Charlotte’s visual, literary, and performing artists. Many artists, driven by a pure passion for their work, often live frugally and redirect any money they make from their art back into their craft.
In many cases, these artists—and their work—are the backbone of their communities, helping to usher in cultural, social, and political change. They represent the heart and soul of where they live, and we want to help them thrive.
That’s why we created We’re a non-profit organization dedicated to generating the funds that that artists need to keep creating and make a difference in the communities they live and beyond.
Here’s where we need your help. If you know of an artist or non-profit organization that could benefit from a $2,500 scholarship, please head here and nominate them (or artists, nominate yourselves!):
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